H is for: “The Holidays”
Holidays are by far the best time of year. Many countries have very festive celebrations. To name a few:
§ On December 13th, Sweden, Norway, and most of
Scandinavia, they celebrate Santa Lucia Day (a.k.a., The Feast of St. Lucy or
Saint Lucy’s Day). In a procession,
Santa Lucia (usually the oldest daughter in each family) appears with a wreathe
or crown of seven candles serving sweets while others in the congregation carry
a single candle each. “God Jul!”
§ On Christmas Eve, in France, the children put their shoes by the
fireplace for Pere Noel to fill them with gifts and hard candy. “Joyeux Noel!” But on New Year’s Eve, Réveillon de Saint-Sylvestre is
celebrated. On the menu is duck or goose
pâté de foie gras and bacon, or pâté de foie
gras tout court or "Strasbourg pie". Foie gras is
a rich, buttery, delicate pastry. This
course is followed by a course of steak.
This evening can be an intimate dinner or a ball all lavished with the
delights of champagne. “Le Jour de l'An!”
§ In the United States and Canada, families decorate trees with
lights and ornaments days before Christmas Day.
They send cards to their families and friends. Children hang stockings by the fireplace if
they have one; we always put ours on our bedroom doorknobs. Then after hours of waiting for Santa to
arrive on his sleigh, Christmas Eve, the children fall asleep only to awake the
next morning with their stockings full of gifts and presents under the
tree. It’s followed by a day of
embellishing in the overindulgence of a food frenzy. “Merry Christmas!”
But here at my house, we celebrate, we have our traditions, we
have a wonderful whirl-wind roller coaster ride.
Unlike most Americans, we begin our festive parties in
October. On the 19th
specifically. This marks the birthday of
the twinners, Emma & Evan.
Then Halloween hallows horrors our way.
We’ve bought our costumes.
We aspire to be whomever
to whatever
our heart innovatively desires,
even the cutest dreidel you've ever seen.
even the cutest dreidel you've ever seen.
That’s what Halloween is all about.
Over the years, my kids have chosen to be:
Butterflies & Bees,
Butterflies & Bees,
Hippies, Football Players, but NEVER CLOWNS (too scary),
Cruella de Vil & the Dalmatians,
Fairy Princesses & Native American Princesses
& Egyptian Princesses,
& Egyptian Princesses,
Danny Zuko,
James Bond,
A Prostitute & A John
(Oops! That was me & my ex! And that’s a guns-drawn story!)
(Oops! That was me & my ex! And that’s a guns-drawn story!)
And Emma’s All-Time Favorite, Raggedy Ann!
The Holiday of Halloween is like life;
Be creative; Be confident, Be who YOU want to
As the hallows turn their clocks back… around the corner comes
Edie Marie’s birthday, and this year she’ll be 25, a quarter of a century! And then Thanksgiving…And sometimes, Edie’s
Birthday & Thanksgiving are one in the same… So, they have always been colossal
in my cupboards.
After Turkey Day winds down, the gentleness of the BIG GIGS
really crank up. Before the December
Holidays begin, the enculturation and education that you instill in your
children really shows during this time of the year.
We celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas and Santa Claus; we discuss the
value and meanings of all traditions.
Not only what they mean to us, but what they mean to other people, too. And if you cannot tell me the meaning of the holiday in question, you simply don't get a gift.
We speak of etiquette and how wonderful it is to work in harmony. The use of tact is of the utmost importance. In other words, quite frankly when company arrives we always
Act Mannerly!
In all honesty, preparing for guests has always been a breeze in
my home. Yes, this is when it gets good. I’ve heard so many stories from family and
friends about their children when it comes to this subject. Thank God, my children have always been
healthy and happy, because this enables them to cooperate willingly and wholeheartedly. Boy-O-Boy, do my children put everything
they’ve got into it. By all means, it’s
always great
when they jump right into their work
and organize things the way they see fit.
and they never lie down on the job.
And immediately put them away.
They hop right on the laundry when I ask.
Yes, this makes for tactical teamwork that
lasts all season long.
And I know most kids are like this:
They’re right next to you one minute
and the next they’re gone,
but not mine.

You can count on them.
They’re always ready, willing, and
stable —
body, mind, & soul!
To see the teamwork my children possess has always made me very content. I know that since preparing for the holidays
was so successful, the display and magnitude of my children’s manners during
dining would show through, too — sparkling brightly like the bulbs on the
holiday tree.
There are some small rules of thumb
I’ve taught my offspring. Well, for one,
don’t sit on the table,
because we know it’s terribly inappropriate.
We have never had one mere verbal
confrontation in relation to this matter.
They don’t wear hats or shades to the table.
They know that’s rude.

They've never made any faces at one another.
That's plain wrong.
No one substituted pretzels
for the traditional meal with trimmings
that a certain someone spent countless hours
No one ruined their appetites.
No one ruined their appetites.
No one had the trepidation of
Time Out.
No one licked their plates clean.
No one put their elbows on the table.
You may think that you’ve got it
made, but I know I’ve had THE BEST MOMENTS A MOTHER COULD ASK FOR. And I
have. O!
The holidays make me blissfully joyful to be THEIR mum. Yes, I know you could agree: my children have proven to be the rare
exception to the rule; they are always on their best
behavior for the celebrations in life.
They have listened and remembered everything I’ve ever taught them.
And they know exactly when to
implement their intelligence on any subject.
I am extremely confident that my child-rearing abilities couldn’t have
been surpassed over the years. Edie
Marie, Evan Thomas, and Emma Jacquelyn have shown their true colours; and what
fine tints and hues they have combined.
They paint an impressionistic vision portrait
for our guests to take with them when they leave
just lasts and lasts.
We don’t hide a thing when
our guests come to visit.
We let the truth be known
& let it all out!
No matter the cost!
And that’s always
Inspirational & Attentive.
© Copyright 1976-2011 Leslie D. Zenoni dba Coloured Pencils
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